Thinking of Anais Nin: An Index to Volumes 11–15 (1993–1997)

An Index to Volumes 11–15 (1993–1997)

(The volume is given in Roman Numerals, followed by the page number)

Al-Nakib, Mai, “The Transformation of Selves,” XV, 77

Arenander, Britt, “Louveciennes: In Search of a Lost World,” XIII, 53

Bair, Deirdre, “Writing as a Woman,” XII, 31

Bay, André, “Jean Fanchette (1932-1992),” XI, 69

Beckett, Wendy, “Art Is Beginning-to Fail Us – A Last Visit with Lawrence Durrell,” XIII, 67

Bradford, Jean, “Venus Rising on a Full Shell,” XIII, 114

Brandon, Dolores, “Recollections of a ‘Daughter,'” XIV, 24

Broyard, Anatole, “On Thirteenth Street West, Top Floor, 1947,” XII, 74

Campos, Julieta, “All the Roses – A Story,” XIII, 56

Cendrars, Blaise, “You Are More Beautiful Than the Sky and the Sea – A Poem,” XIII, 84

Christmass, Philippa, “Changing Perspectives in Nin Criticism,” XV, 82

_____ “A Mother to Us All? – Feminism and the Diary, Thirty Years Later,” XIV, 35

DuBow, Wendy M., “Critics’ Choices – Philip K. Jason’s Study of Nin Criticism,” XII, 105

_____ “The Elusive Text – On Reading Diary I,” XI, 22

Fanchette, Jean, “Notes for a Preface, 1959,” XI, 71

Fay, Marion, “Mirror Images – On Anaïs Nin: A Book of Mirrors,” XV, 119

_____ “Seffhood and Social Conscience – Reading Under a Glass Bell,” XIII, 100

_____ “Speaking for Herself – Conversations with Anaïs Nin,” XIV, 121

Fourtouni, Eleni, “The Unemployed Muse – A Poem,” XV, 40

Friedman, Ellen G., “Looking Back on Nin Criticism,” XV, 122

Gascoyne, David, “Chambre d’Hotel – A Poem,” XIV, 107

_____ “Lines – A Poem,” XIV, 99

González, Emiliano, “The Fountains Still Play – Anaïs Nin in Paris, 1954,” XI, 106

Guiler, Hugh Parker, “Dr. Otto Rank – A Horoscope,” XI, 51

Hamalian, Leo, “A Spy in the House of Lawrence,” XIII, 14

Henke, Suzette, “Androgynous Creation: From D.H. Lawrence to Djuna Barnes,” XV, 85

_____ “A Confessional Narrative – A Journal of Love: Incest,” XIV, 71

Hipskind, Judith, “Reading Hugh Guiler’s Hands,” XI, 101

Holt, Rochelle L., “Recalling Anaïs Nin,” XV, 124

Horine, Kerri A., “Adornments of the Interior – The Jewelry of Self-Creation,” XV, 98

Irgang, Margrit, “Always: ‘I Want’-Never: ‘I Have’- A Letter from Germany,” XIII, 95

_____ “Of Veils and Unveiling – A Letter from Gerrnany,” XII, 88

Jackson, Roger, “Hotel Central Revisited,” XIV, 10

Jason, Philip K., “The Burden of Self – Thoughts on Reading The Early Diary of Anaïs Nin, 1927-1931,” XV- 71

_____ “Issues in Nin Criticism,” XI, 75

Jong, Erica, “A Story Never Told Before – On A Journal of Love: Incest,” XII, 15

Joplin, Benjamin, “Leaming to Be,” XV, 114

Jouve, Pierre Jean, “Hé1ène – An Excerpt from Dans les Années Profondes,” XIV, 55

Kato, Maiko, “Music as Metaphor,” XV, 108

Keller, Jane Eblen, “Living à la Lawrence,” XV, 12

_____ “Reinventing Lives: Anaïs Nin and Georges Simenon,” XIV, 96

Knapp, Bettina L, “An Archeologist of the Soul,” XIV, 19

Lispector, Clarice, “Two Crônicas – From the Jornal do Brazil,” XV, 67

List, Eveline, “Beata Rank, Analyst,” XV, 29

Martinelli, Sheri, “Goodbye Anaïs – A Poem,” XII, 77

Mason, Gregory M., “Arrows of Longing – The Correspondence between Anaïs Nin and Felix Pollak,” XIV, 78

Mathieu, Bertrand, “Quiet Days in California – With Henry Miner at Pacific Palisades,” XII, 60

_____ “Betty Ryan – The Woman of Andros,” XI, 83

Miller, Henry, “The Authoress at Seventeen – A Letter,” XV, 7

_____ “The Awakening, – A Mezzotint,” XIII, 27

_____ “The Diary of Anaïs Nin – An Introduction,” XIV, 14

_____ “Foreword – On Anaïs Nin’s Diary,” XV, 26

_____ “I Am What I Want to Be – Letters to Anaïs Nin, Oct./Nov. 1942.” XV, 44

Nalbantian, Suzanne, “Into the House of Myth,” XI, 12

Nin, Anaïs, “Aging – From the original diary, July 1943,” XV, 3

_____ “The Artist Is HisVision of Life,” XIII, 3

_____ “I Cannot Save People, I Can Only Love Them,” XIII, 109

_____ “A Critical Correspondence: Letters to Henry Miller, 1942,” XV, 52

_____ “Letters to Felix Pollak, 1952-1958,” XIV, 81

_____ “Letters to GoreVidal, 1946-1961,” XIV, 42

_____ “Life As a Sensual Woman – With Henry Miller in New York, January-March, 1936,” XII, 3

_____ “Love – Four Letters to Otto Rank,” XII, 39

_____ “Murder on the Place du Tertre,” XI, 37

_____ “On Otto Rank and Henry Miller,” XIII, 3

_____ “A Preface to Blaise Cendrars’s Christmas Stories,” XIII, 12

_____ “Return to Louveciennes, 1935,” XI, 3

_____ “Talking About the Diary, 1966 – An Interview,” XIII, 72

_____ “The Writing of Tomorrow – October 2, 1937,” XIV, 63

Okamoto, Kanoko, “The House Spirit – A Story,” XI, 90

Owen, Peter, “Who Is Paul Bowles?,” XII, 109

Pineau, Elyse Lamm, “The Performing Self – Reading Selection of the Minotaur,” XII, 65

Podnieks, Elizabeth, “The Theater of Incest,” XIII, 39

Pollak, Felix, “Letters to Anaïs Nin, 1952-1958,” XIV, 82

Rank, Otto, “A Farewell to Freud – Two Drafts of a Letter, August 7, 1924,” XII, 56


Adventures of the Mind. By Natalie Clifford Barney, XIII, 132

Aesthetic Autobiography: From Life to Art in Marcel Proust, James Joyce, Virginia Woolf and Anaïs Nin. By Suzanne Nalbantian, XIII, 128

Angel in the Forest. By Marguerite Young, XIII, 130

Beat Generation: Glory Days in Greenuich Village. By Fred W. and Gloria S. McDarrah, XV, 125

Beggars in Paradise. By Irving Stettner, XIV, 131

By Grand Central Station I Sat Down and Wept and The Assumption of the Rogues and

Rascals. By Elizabeth Smart, XI, 130

T’he Case of Anna Kavan. A Biography. By David A. Gallard, XII, 129

Celina or the Cats. By Julieta Campos, XIV 128

Change the Name. By Anna Kavan, XII, 130

A Charmed Circle. By Anna Kavan, XIII, 129

Conversations with Henry Miller. Edited by Frank L. Kersnowski and Alice Hughes, XV, 128

Djuna: The Life and Work of Djuna Barnes. By Phillip Herring, XV, 126

Eye of the Camera:A Life of Christopher Ishenvood. By Jonathan Fryer, XII, 131

Fifty Stories. By Kay Boyle, XI, 129

Gender in Popular Culture. Edited by Peter C. Rollins and Susan W, Rollins, XIV, 131

The Incest Theme in Literature and Legend. By Otto Rank, XIII, 128

Inviting the Muses: Marguerite Young. Edited by Steven Moore, XIII, 130

Letters to a Friend in Australia. By Anaïs Nin. Foreword by David Pepperell, XII, 131

Mercury. By Anna Kavan, XIV 129

Henry Miller: A Bibliography of Primary Sources. Compiled by Lawrence J. Shifren and

Roger Jackson, XII, 130

Henry Miller. The Paris Years. By Brassai, XIV, 126

Henry Miller and Surrealist Metaphor. By Gay Louise Balliet, XV, 128

Moloch, or This Gentile World. By Henry Miller, XI, 131

Paris Between the Wars: Artistic Ltfe in the Twenties and Thirties. By Carol Mann, XV, 126

The Parson. By Anna Kavan, XIV, 129

Bern Porter: A Personal Biography. By James Schevill, XII, 132

Revolution of the Mind. The Life ofAndré Breton. By Mark Polizotti, XIV, 130

Dorothy Richardson. A Biography. By Gloria G. Fromm, XIII, 132

Christina Stead. A Biography. By Hazel Rowley, XIII, 132

Sounds that Arouse Me. By Bern Porter, XII, 132

Stroker. An Anthology, 1974-1994. Edited by Irving Stettner, XIII, 131

Rebecca West. A Life. By Carl Rollyson, XV, 127

View: Parade of the Avant-Garde, 1940-1947. Edited by Charles Henri Ford, XI, 128

The Wilder Shores of Love. By Lesley Blanch, XIV, 127

Women, Creativity, and the Arts. Edited by Diane Apostolos-Cappadina and Lucinda Ebersole, XIV, 131

Writers Three: Henry Miller, Claude Houghton, and Ben Abramson. A Literary Exchange, XIV, 128

Marguerite Young, Our Darling. Edited by Miriam Fuchs, XIII, 130

Zelda S. Fitzgerald: The Collected Writings. Edited by Mathew J. Bruccoli, XI, 129

Ribera i Górriz Núria, “Proust, Rimbaud, and the Surrealists,” XII, 44

_____ “Regarding ‘The Voice,'” XIV, 111

Richard-Allerdyce, Diane, “Narrative and Authenticity,” XIII, 79

Riding, Laura, “Eve’s Side of It – A Story,” XII, 78

_____ (Riding) Jackson, Laura, “Conunentary (1976),” XII, 84

Rimbaud, Arthur, “Life of the Poet -A new translation by Bertrand Mathieu,” XI, 16

Rock, Joanne, “The Birth of ‘Savage,'” XIV, 65

_____ “Her Father’s Daughter,” XIII, 29

Roditi, Edouard, “The Madness of Antonin Artaud,” XI, 39

_____ “On René Crevel,” XI, 100

Salber, Linde, “Artists – The Third Sex,” XI, 59

_____ “Life as Provocation,” XII, 26

Smock, Frederick, “Lawrence Durrell – A Poem,” XII, 63

Stettner, Irving, “Of Michael Fraenkel, June Miller, and Eugene Pachoutinsky,” XII, 125

Stuhlmann, Gunther, “Discretion and Revelation – Anaïs Nin at Ninety,” XI, 119

_____ “From ‘Jim’ to ‘Jamie’ – Remembering James Leo Herlihy,” XII, 120

_____ “Who Is Claude Cahun?,” XV, 95

Sugisaki, Kazuko, “Kanoko Okamoto – A Writer’s Life,” XII, 91


After Antonin Artaud, XIV, 134

Blanche Cooney Remembers, XII, 136

Brief Encounters: An Evening with Salvadore Dali and Dylan Thomas. Recalled by Gabriel

Neruda, XI, 125

Brief Encounters II: Dylan Thomas Meets Henry Miller, XII, 133

Cousin Gilbert (1907–1992), XI, 132

The Dedicated Diarist, XI, 135

The History of Louvecierines, XII, 135

Hugo’s Horoscopes, XI, 133

A Married Life: Blanche Cooney (I918-1995), XIV, 132

Miller Time, XIII, 135

Revisiting Louveciennes, XIII, 136

A Touch of Venus, XI, 136

A Transatlantic Literary Life: Edouard Roditi (1910-1992), XI, 135

Unreal Images of a Real World: Val Telberg (1910-1995), XIV, 135

Val Telberg and House of Incest, XII, 133

Vaid, Krishna Baldev, “Three Stories – From the Hindi,” XI, 46

NOTE: An Index for Volumes 1-10 (1983-1992) is included in Volume 10, 1992

Copies of this issue are still available at the regular subscription price of $8.00 (includes postage and handling).

An Invitation

As we mentioned in our very first issue in 1983, we welcome comments and suggestions from our readers. Although limitations of space and time have n or allowed us to include a letter column in these pages, we appreciate your responses. We also invite submission of possible contributions (excluding fiction and poetry), as well as notices as to where critical or biographical texts on Anaïs Nin and her circle, theses or articles, have appeared, here or abroad, that may have escaped our notice. Editorial correspondence and submissions, accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope for their possible return, should be addressed to:

The Editor, ANAIS, Post Office Box 276, Becket, Massachusetts 01223

© 1991, 1997 by Gunther Stuhlmann