Thinking of Anais Nin: Archives

Past Postings of Interest to Nin Fans

“Louveciennes has always known how to hide its secrets behind thick walls…”

–Le Figaro, March 12th, 1996

Unlike other celebrated artists’ homes of the first half of the Twentieth Century opened for the public, the former home of Anaïs Nin changed ownership under private sale in June in Louveciennes, France….

Barbara Sapp’s efforts in trying to save Anaïs’s home (the effort was not successful) we have kept the links to preserve the spirit valiant effort, hundreds of petitions were sent.

The International Lawrence Durrell Society will be hosting a conference called “The Paris of Durrell, Miller, and Nin,” to be held on the campus of the University of Cincinnati in May 1998. We are calling for papers on this topic, and we would like to alert Nin scholars and readers.

Contact Bill Godshalk, Professor, Department of English, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati OH 45221-0069 or email

We also suggest that you visit our sister site (as in “Brother Sun, Sister Moon”) the Henry Miller Library site, Magnus Toren, Director. Click Here for an update on the weather damaged Miller Library.