Thinking of Anais Nin: An Index to Volumes 1–10 (1983–1992)

An Index to Volumes 1–10 (1983–1992)

(The volume is given in Roman numerals, followed by the page number)

Alain-Fournier, “Throughout the Summer – A Poem,” VIII, 27

Alberti, Frank S., “Talking About Proust – An Interview,” II, 127

Aldan, Daisy, “For Anaïs – A Poem,” X, 77

_____ “To Write Is to Love Again – An Interview,” VI, 86

Balakian, Anna, “A Tale of Two People – The Diary of A Wife,”VI, 58

Balakian, Nona, “Realists of the Interior,” X, 103

Bald, Wambly, “Helba Huara and June Mansfield in Paris,” V, 27

Bay, André. “Letter from France: Return of the Prodigal,” III, 45

_____ “Sex: The Promised Land – On Henry Miller,” VI, 104

Beckett, Wendy, “A Visit with Lawrence Durrell,” V, 99

Begos, Jane Duprey, “Art and Therapy,” III, 21

Belli, Giaconda, “Cotidiano – A Poem,” II, 37

Burford, William, “The Art of Anaïs Nin,” VIII, 40

Campos, Julieta, “Islands in Winter – From the novel El Miedo de Peider Euridice, III, 121

_____ “Living Within A Fiction – From the novel Sabina,”X, 32

Can Xue, “The Date – A Story from the Chinese,” X, 59

_____ “What I Have to Say,” X, 62

Carson, Anne C., “At Hampton Manor with Caresse Crosby,” IV, 67

Cassian, Nina, “Limpid – A Poem,” IV, 121

_____ “Vivarium -A Poem,” IV, 79

Chase, Gilbert Culmell, “From Kew to Paris – A Memoir,” I, 60

Chase, Kathleen, “Being Family in France, 1930-1934,” I, 63

Célérier, Patricia-Pia, “TheVision of Dr.René Allendy,” VII, 78

Commengé, Béatrice, “Henry Miller – Man of the Street,” V, 19

Cooney, Blanche, “Eduardo Sanchez – A Memoir,” IX, 17

Crevel, René, “Are You Mad?,” X, 106

Crosby, Caresse, “On Anaïs,” II, 46

_____ “Years of Friendship – Correspondence With Anaïs Nin,” II, 40

Eisner, Lotte H., “Ian Hugo – A Surrealist of Experimental Film,” II, 72

Finlayson, Judith, “Ira Progoff’s Diary Workshop,” III, 31

Formentelli, Béatrice, “The Difficulty of the Real,” II, 77

Friedman, Ellen G., “Escaping from the House of Incest,” X, 39

Gilbert, Sandra M., “Feminism and D.H. Lawrence,” IX, 92

Gordon, Betty Ryan, “Chaim Soutine and the Villa Seurat,” X, 124

_____ “Hans Reichel, Painter, 1892-1958,” X, 83

Guiler, Hugh Parker, “Recollections,” IV, 26 (See also “Hugo, Ian”)

_____ “The Eye of the Beholder,” X, 55

Hamilton, Dran, “From an Interview,” I, 68

Harms, Valerie, “Frances Steloff and the Gotham Book Mart,” VII, 102

_____ “Henry Miller’s Influence on Anaïs Nin’s Early Fiction,” IV, 109

_____ “The Making of House of Incest,” V, 102

Henderson, Bill, “On Doing It Yourself,” I, 80

Henke, Suzette A., “Considering Cities of the Interior,” II,113

Herlihy, James Leo, “The Art of Being a Person,” I, 67

Hipskind, Judith, “Charting Anaïs and Hugo,” X, 49

_____ “Of Dreams and Astrology – Eduardo Sanchez,” IX, 42

Hiramoto, Judy, “Silence Keeps Me Making Sound – From a collage,” VIII, 67

Holt, Rochelle Lynn, “Henry and June – A Poem,” X, 56

_____ “Henry Miller’s Letters to Brenda Venus,”V, 124

Honold, Silvia, “Letter from Germany: Meeting on Another Plane,” III, 99

Hoy, Nancy Jo, “The Poetry of Experience – On the Diary,”IV, 52

_____ “Getting to Know Anaïs Nin,” I, 81

Hugo, Ian (Hugh P. Guiler), “A Chronology of Ian Hugo’s Films,” II, 75

_____ “Images in Motion,” II, 71

_____ “On the Art of Engraving,” I, 42

_____ “Talking About Film,” IV, 20

_____ “From a woodcut,” X, 73

Jason, Philip K., “A Delicate Battle Cry – Anaïs Nin’s Pamphlets,” VIII, 30

_____ “Dropping Another Veil – On Henry and June,” VI, 27

_____ “The Gemor Press,” II, 24

_____ “Head, Heart – A Poem,” II, 63

_____ “Nancy Scholar’s Anaïs Nin,”IV, 123

_____ “Oscar Baradinsky’s Alicat Book Shop Press,” III, 109

Karsten, Julie A., “D.H. Lawrence and Anaïs Nin,” IV, 36

Kavan, Anna, “Who Are You? – Excerpts from Her Fiction,” III, 65

Kiakis, Harry, “At Henry Miller’s,” VII, 69

Kimura, Junko, “Letter from Japan: Finding the Inner Self,” III, 117

Krizari, Kim, “Illusion and the Art of Survival,” X, 18

Lars, Claudia, “Migajas – A Poem,” II, 23

Laurent, Nyuka, “Pleasure Boat – A Poem,” I, 106

Lawlor, Patricia M., “Beyond Gender and Genre – Writing the Self,” VII, 23

Lieberman, E. James, “Otto Rank’s Muse,” V, 56

Lispector, Clarice, “That’s Where I’m Going – A Story,” VIII, 117

Literary Sexism in Action: “Waverley Root Reviews The House of Incest, March 1932,” VI, 75

MacNiven, Ian S., “Lawrence Durrell and Anaïs Nin,” II, 95

Manning, Hugo, “The Wider Purpose of Henry Miller,” VIII, 99

Mathieu, Bertrand, “On die Trail of Eurydice,” X, 63

Merchant, Hoshang, “The Aesthetics of Anaïs Nin,” VIII, 51

Miller, Dennis R., “Thoughts on Diary VII,”III, 102

Miller, Henry, “About the ‘Mona’ Pages – A Letter,” VI, 93

_____ “From the Black-Lace Laboratory, 1932-1933,” IV, 80

_____ “Fragments of a Dream,” X, 15

_____ “On House of lncest,”V, 111

_____ “Louveciennes: A Fateful Laboratory of the Soul,” VII, 47

_____ “Woman Will Point the Way,” VII, 77

Miller, Margaret, “Diary Keeping and the Young Wife,” III, 39

_____ “Seduction and Subversion in the Diary,”I, 86

Millett, Kate, “Anaïs – A Mother to Us All,” IX, 3

Moffat, Mary Jane, “Does the Diary Have a Future?,” III, 35

Moore, HarryT., “Remembering Caresse Crosby,” II, 59

Nakata,Koji, “Letter from Japan: Chaos and Unity,” IV, 134

Niemeyer, Doris, “How to Be a Woman And/Or an Artist,” VI, 67

Nin, Anaïs, “With Antonin Artaud, March-June, 1933,” VI, 3

_____ “On Being an Idol,” III, 105

_____ “A Boost for Black Spring,”V, 22

_____ “Breaking Through the ‘Ideal’ Barrier, October 1931,” IV, 4

_____ “Breaking a Male Pattern – On D.H. Lawrence,” IX, 99

_____ “Colette and I,” II, 82

_____ “Correspondence With Caresse Crosby, 1941-1970,” II, 40

_____ “On Caresse Crosby,” II, 53

_____ “From The Diary of A Spouse, 1923-1924,” I, 3

_____ “Dreams, 1932-1934,” X, 3

_____ “Eduardo Sanchez – My Cousin, My Love,” IX, 9

_____ “Hans and Johanna – From the original Winter of Artifice,” VII, 3

_____ “With Henry and June, November 1932,” V, 3

_____ “Imaginative Realism: The Films of Ian Hugo,” II, 64

_____ “Inside the Joumal, 1927-1931,” III, 3

_____ “Je T’Aime – Two Letters to June Miller,” IX, 75

_____ “D.H. Lawrence: The Mystic of Sex,” IV, 31

_____ “Letters to Dr. René Allendy,” X, 29

_____ “Letters to Antonin Artaud,” I, 52

_____ “Letters to Lawrence Durrell, 1937-1939,” V, 73

_____ “Two Letters to Anna Kavan,” III, 63

_____ “Letters to Henry Miller, 1932-1933,” IV, 80

_____ “Letters to Rosa Culmell Nin, 1939,” III, 77

_____ “The Little Girl in Yellow,” VIII, 9

_____ “Lou Andreas-Salomé: The First Modem Woman,” IX, 86

_____ “The Making of a Legend,” IX, 26

_____ “The Need for Poetry,” X, 105

_____ “A Preface to Anna Kavan’s Ice,”V, 129

_____ “From the Preface to Otto Rank’s La Volonté du Bonheur,” II, 110

_____ “Realism and Reality – A Pamphlet, 1946,” VIII, 35

_____ “The Rise and Fail of Louveciennes,” VIII, 32

_____ “The Satisfactions of Story Telling,” VIII, 83

_____ “The Synthetic Alchemist,” X, 79

_____ “A Talk with Krishna Baldev Vaid,” V, 49

_____ “A Visit to a New Planet – Introducing Ian Hugo’s Engravings,” I, 41

_____ “What the Writer Has Seen He Never Forgets, November 1932,” VIII, 3

_____ “On Writing – A Pamphlet, 1947,” VIII, 45

_____ “Writing and Dancing, 1930,” II, 3

Nin, Joaquin J., “A Horoscope,” X, 46

Nin-Culmell, Joaquin, “Hugo, My Brother-in-Law,” IV, II

Okamoto, Kanoko, “The River – A Story,” I, 69

Orban, Peter, “Validating Otto Rank’s Work – An Introduction,” VI, 118

Owen, Peter, “Publishing Anna Kavan,” III, 75

Papachristou, Sophia, “The Body in the Diary – On Henry and June,” IX, 58

Perlès, Alfred, “Pietá at Clichy,” V, 15

Pétrequin, Marie-Line, “The Magic Spell of June Miller,” VI, 43

Pierre~Quint, Léon, “Being and Seeming,” VII, 14

_____ “On André Gide,” VIII, 84

_____ “On Proust’s Life and Work,” VI, 125

Pole, Rupert, “Robert Kirsch, 1923-1980,” I, 08

Prévert, Jacques, Four Toi Mon Amour; L’Êcole des Beaux-Arts – Two Poems,” VII, 87

Quazi, Javaid, “In Search of Louveciennes Today,” VII, 51

Rainer, Tristine, “The Uses of Ambivalence,” III, 27

Rank, Otto, “On The Early Diary – A Preface,” II, 20

_____ “Expressing the True Woman-Self,” IV, 119

_____ “On House of lncest – A Preface,” 111, 49

_____ “Life and Art,” VI, 71

_____ “The Price of Fame,” 1, 24

_____ “Remembering Dr. Rank – A Special Section,” II, 101

_____ “Psychology and the Soul,” IX, 47

_____ “Sons and Daughters – From The Incest Motif ,” VII, 59


Anais, Art and Artists. Ed. Sharon Spencer, VI, 135

Appointment in Vienna. By Esther Menaker, VIII, 118

By Heart. Elizabeth Smart: A Life. By Rosemary Sullivan, X, 120

Kay Boyle: Artist and Activist. By Sandra Whipple Spanier, VI, 135

Caresse Crosby: From Black Sun to Roccasinibalda. By Anne Conover, VIII, 116

Communicating Vessels. By André Breton. Transl. Mary Ann Caws, X, 119

Isak Dinesen. By Olga Anastasia Pelensky, X, 123

The Durrell-Miller Letters, 1935-1980. Ed. Ian S. MacNiven, VII, 119

The Feminist Companion to Literature in English. Ed. Virginia Blain, Patricia Clements, Isobel Grundy, X, 119

The Flowers of Evil. By Charles Baudelaire, VIII, 119

Four Lives in Paris. By Hugh Ford, VI, 135

Fragments of Stained Glass – A Literary Memoir. By Claire Nicolas White, VII, 119

The Diaries and Letters of Kaethe Kollwitz. Transls. Richard and Clara Winston, X, 121

Hamlet Letters. By Henry Miller, Ed. Michael Hargraves, VII, 119

An Invisible Spectator: A Biography of Paul Bowles. By Christopher Sawyer-Laucanno, IX, 127

I Shock Myself: The Autobiography of Beatrice Wood. Ed. Lindsay Smith, VII, 120

Letters to Anaïs Nin. By Henry Miller. Ed. Gunther Stuhlmann, VII, 121

Letters to Gala. By Paul Eluard. Transl. Jesse Browner, IX, 128

Letters by Henry Miller to Hoki Tokuda Miller. Ed. Joyce Howard, VI, 135

Looking Back. Memoirs. By Lou Andreas-Salomé. Ed. Ernst Pfeiffer, X, 121

Mabel Dodge Luhan: New Woman, New Worlds. By Lois Pilken Rudnick, VI, 136

Mad Love. By André Breton. Transl. Mary Ann Caws, VII, 122

Marianne. By George Sand. Transl. Siân Miles, VIII, 120

Paula Modersohn-Becker: Letters and Journals. Ed. Arthur S. Wensinger and Carole Clew Hoey, IX, 127

Near to the Wild Heart. By Clarice Lispector. Transl. Giovanni Pontiero, IX, 128

Old Floating Cloud. By Can Xue. Transl. Ronald R. Janssen and Jian Zhang, X, 122

The Paris Edition: The Autobiography of Waverley Root. Ed, Samuel Abt, VI, 136

Psychiatry and the Cinema. By Krin and Glen O. Gabbard, VII, 123

Man Ray: American Artist. By Neil Baldwin, VII, 121

Rediscoveries II.. Ed. David Madden and Peggy Bach, VII, 122

Silence and Power: A Reevaluation of Djuna Barnes. Ed. Mary Lynn Broe, X, 122

Simone de Beauvoir: A Biography. By Deirdre Bair, IX, 127

“Solitude and Love – On Clarice Lispector,” VIII, 115

The Starched Blue Sky of Spain. By Josephine Herbst, X, 123

Women’s Fiction from Latin America. Ed. Evelyn Picon Garfield, VII, 123

Women’s Voices from Latin America. By Evelyn Picon Garfield, VII, 123

Women of the Lefi Bank, 1900-1940. By Sharie Benstock, VI, 136

Riera, Carmen, “The Reportage – A Story from the Catalan, VIII, 60

Roditi, Edouard, “Léon Pierre-Quint,” VIII, 89

_____ “Reading Proust and Pierre-Quint,” VII, 95

_____ “Wambly Bald,” VI, 132

_____ “On René Crevel,” X, 106

Rodman, Selden, “Caresse Crosby,” II, 58

Ryan, Mary, “Ian Hugo, Printmaker – The Heritage of Atelier 17,” IV, 18

Sagulo, Verorica Park, “The Italian Response to Anaïs Nin’s Work,” VI, 111

Salber, Linde, “Lou Andreas-Salomé and Anaïs Nin,” IX, 78

Santiago, Edward (Eduardo Sanchez), “A Life in Cycles,” IX, 27

Secrest, Meryle, “Econormcs and the Need for Revenge – On Henry and June,”VI, 33

Seybert, GIslinde, “Between Love and Passion – On Henry and June,”IX, 67

_____ “The Female Image in George Sand,” IX, 105

Södergran, Edith, “Discovered – A Poem,” Transl. Samuel Charters, IX, 73

_____ “Of Love and Solitude – Four Poems,” Transl. Stina Lindford Katchadurian, IX, 101

Soteriou, Alexandra, “The Art of Ian Hugo,” IV, 17

Spencer, Sharon, “Acts of Will: A Biography of Otto Rank,” IV, 116

Steloff, Frances, “Books and People,” VII, 109

Struck, Karin, “Logbook of a Liberation – On Henry and June,”VI, 36

Stuhlmann, Gunther, “Lawrence Durrell: Last of the Musketeers,” IX, 117

_____ “The Genesis of ‘Alraune,'” V, 115

_____ “Ian Hugo’s Films: The Magic of Seeing,” II, 68

_____ “Anaïs Nin and The Journal of Marie Bashkirtseff,”V, 125

_____ “Anna Kavan Revisited,” III, 55

_____ “Léon Pierre-Quint,” VI, 123

_____ “Edward W. Titus et al.,” VII, 113

_____ “Anaïs Nin in Translation,” I, 120

_____ “What Emil Knew – Henry Miller Writes to His Best Friend,” VIII, 107

_____ “What’s in a Name – From ‘Mona’ to ‘Mara,'” VI, 134

_____ “Who Was/Is Henry Miller?,” X, 111

_____ “Writings About Anaïs Nin – An Informal Survey,” I, 91

Sugisaki, Kazuko, “The Diary of lzumi Shikibu,”IV, 43

_____ “Ono-no-Komachi: Legend and Reality,” VIII, 67

_____ “A Shaman Called Miko,” X, 89

_____ “Staging the Dream – Anaïs Nin and the Noh Theater,” VI, 77

Telberg, Val, “Body and Mind,” – A Photomontage, IX, 115

_____ “On Dreams,” – A Photomontage, X, 13

_____ “Ian Hugo,” – A Photomontage, IV, 25

_____ “Anaïs Nin,” – A Photomontage, IV, 55

_____ “A Photomontage for House of Incest,”V, 113

_____ “A Photomontage for House of Incest,”VI, 99


_____ “Reflections of a Soul,” – A Photomontage, IX, 51


Autobiographical Occasions and Original Acts, by Albert F. Stone, II, 136

Banned in Mali, VI, 133

A Book of One’s Own, by Thomas Mallon, IV, 136

Criticism and/or Appreciation, VII, 127

The Diaries of Judith Malina, 1947-1957, III, 135

Eduardo Sanchez -The Later Years, IX, 123

A Farewell to Kathryn Winslow and Frances Steloff, VIII, 127

Filming Henry and June,VIII, 128

The Films of Ian Hugo, III, 136

The Gemor Press, III, 135

Jamake Highwater Remembers Anaïs Nin, V, 133

Anna Kavan Re-Issued, IV, 136

Introducing Anna Kavan’s Ice, V, 129

A Letter from Hugo Manning, 1944, VIII, 121

Henry Miller’s “Biographical Dope” on Anaïs Nin, X, 129

More on Wambly Bald, V, 130

More on Kanoko Okamoto, III, 136

Otto Rank on Art and Artists, VIII, 124

Eduardo Sanchez and the Gemor Press, II, 135

A Man and His Books: Saying Farewell to Eduardo Sanchez, X, 127

Another Story by and about June Mansfield, VIII, 125

Under the Sign of Pisces Indexed,III, 136

Villa Seurat: Studio For Sale, IX, 125

The Voice of Dr. Inge Bogner, VII, 124

Vaid, Krishna Baldev, “A Talk With Anaïs Nin,” V, 49

Van der Elst, Marie-Claire (Editor), “Letters to Rosa Culmell Nin,” III, 77

White, Claire Nicolas, “The Lady Vanishes,” X, 100

_____ “Chez George Sand,” VIII, 79

White, Viola C., “The World Will Never Be Young Again,” II, 19

Winslow, Kathryn, “Henry Miller at Big Sur,” V, 33

Wood, Lori A. “Between Creation and Destruction,” VIII, 15

© 1991, 1997 by Gunther Stuhlmann