Monthly Archives: October 2007

October 18, 2007

L’Escargot to Go.

Apologies for the continued snafu on posting to our guestbook (our newsboard is still working, Paul Herron one of the Foundations trustees just posted that there are 15 copies of Winter of Artifice still available!) Our server is in the midst of being moved (a very expensive propostion, the rent for the server each month is $1200 a month, so we really don’t have a say in the process as we just pay a one time fee each year to a friend, who ran the site for about ten years for nothing. Although we pay a monthly maintence fee to a very fine webmaster, if a server is denying him entry because of larger issues (obviously our site is only one of hundreds on the server) there is really nothing that can be done. We apologize to all those who wish to share their thoughts with the world about Anaïs. Consider this a snail mail message about the overdue work. It’s financial. Also the owner of the server has been working and traveling in Ireland. Once its moved these issues (caused by the fact that the website was created in 1995!) Can you believe,pre-Google, we had a clean, clear, google look before it was created?

We will post after this message, a recent exchange that was sent to me by our site’s editor Donna Ippolito.

Luckily, our audio from Anaïs is working. We are not able to solve individual issues, but many download and hear her voice daily! So our suggestion is, try a friends computer or visit a public libary.

And really great ideas, like diary sharing (mentioned in the email exchange below) can be done by individuals doing their own blogs! Try out the idea of the newest thing since sliced bread, a blog.
Every writer and communicator can easily share their ideas easily without knowing a spec of html code or still thinking that a URL is part of a set of mountains in the steppes of central Asia (the Eurls!),,, even! should be enough to get you started.

Write a blog devoted only to Anaïs and we will link to you until our guestbook is back up and running. The newsboard is more important as the issues in the guestbook often arise because of people spamming. The security is heightened on the server because of this, and this good news bad news is just what we have to live with. We don’t pay thousands of dollars for a web site to have it spammed. Until we had a registration process our old web maven got up daily and had to delete by hand hundreds of spam messages. Obviously we couldn’t afford to keep doing this! If you feel you just can’t wait to share your ideas, just post to our newsboard momentarily.

Here is the email exchange our editor sent to us.

From: Jan Johnson <>
To: “Rochelle L.Holt” <>
Subject: Sharon Spencer and Anaïs Nin Website
Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2007 10:07:43 -0700 (PDT)


Thanks for your note. It is appreciated. Always a pleasure hearing from you. I still have over thirty copies of Sharon Spencer’s “Dance of the Ariadnes”. Still doing some brain storming on what to do with these books. Been very busy these days.

On my computer, I have difficulty accessing Anaïs’ audio interviews. I have the right player but it is a no go. How is the Guest Book coming along ? I note there have been no visitors leaving notes. There is so much to do with Perhaps a virtual diary for the audience ? When her diaries were published, women would share with her how she changed and transformed their lives. It would be great if this can be continued with the website. Please advise.

Enjoy your stay in Bolingbrook.

Keep in touch.


Jan-Christine Johnson
3636 Sixteenth Street NW
Washington DC 20010

“Rochelle L.Holt” <> wrote:
I’m now in Bolingbrook outside Chgo until early Jan. I wanted to let
you know that I have several copies of Sharon’s book DANCE OF THE
ARIADNES. Actually, I’ve dispensed with l3 boxes but have 4 boxes
here. Are you interested in a box for distribution, fundraiser, gifts
on your end? $20. which will cover shipping on my end. I paid for the
entire s/h fee for all boxes and then mailed them to l4 or so others.

Let me know

Jan Johnson wrote:
> Rochelle:
> I would have loved to met Sharon Spencer. My work screen saver is a
> picture of her, Simone, Bruce, Kazuko, Rupert, Bebe, and Renate (from
> the web site). Such a beautiful lady and an English professor at that !
> By all means, we must preserve Sharon’s literature. I would be quite
> appalled if a publisher wanted to trash my writings.
> Many thanks.
> Jan-Christine
> P.S. How is Kazuko ?
> */”Rochelle L.Holt” /* wrote:
> Jan, did you know Sharon Spencer? I’ve taken it upon myeslf to pay
> for
> s/h of 20 boxes of books containing her DANCE OF THE ARIADNES
> which Sky
> Blue Press planned to trash. I have ten people who paid $20.
> apiece for
> a box to be mailed to them with 44 copies within. Some pay $l0 for l0
> copies but I’m interested if you knew Sharon and could disseminate
> this
> novel? Check out my latest entry on Anaïs site in News section.
> So glad you are writingn to preserve legacy of Rupert and others not
> that well known except in the circle.
> Rochelle
> Jan Johnson wrote:
> > Dear Rochelle:
> >
> > I am more than happy to research and write about Rupert Pole and
> his
> > family. I knew Rupert and Kazuko when I invited them to my service
> > “Anaïs Nin Lives!” at the Throop Memorial Unitarian-Universalist
> > Church in August 1988. Thanks to Lucia Capacchione (author of
> > “Creative Journal”) who provided his telephone number to me. I
> would
> > visit with Rupert, Kazuko, and Beatrice Wood a number of times. I
> > assisted typing the ms of “Incest” from 1989-1991.
> >
> > So many memories. Rupert provided so many memories of Anaïs.
> >
> > Out of my love for Rupert, Anaïs, and Kazuko, I will publish an
> > article about his interesting family. Perhaps a small magazine or
> > . Meanwhile, I will look
> > for an editor.
> >
> > Did you know that I wrote another non-fiction piece “Discovering
> > George Grossmith in Folkestone” ? /The Gaiety/ magazine
> published it
> > in Spring 2005. Grossmith was one of the original Gilbert and
> > Sullivan performers. Here is the link:
> > .
> >
> > Always a pleasure hearing from you.
> >
> >
> > Jan-Christine Johnson
> > 3636 Sixteenth Street NW
> > #A916
> > Washington DC 20010
> >
> >
> >