Monthly Archives: August 2008

August 11, 2008

Valerie Harms has solved the lack of photos of Ian Hugo! She advised us that she went to Google Images and typed in Hugh Guiler and eh voila! there are many pictures. We agree with Valerie, the first one in the list, one of Nin and Guiler is the best!

Valerie’s memory of Hugh Parker Guiler (Ian Hugo) is now up on our site. It’s listed in Memories as well as Scholarship on

Other photos of Ian Hugo can be found at

A video link to one of his films is here. Music is by Bebe Berron.

August 11, 2008

Steven Reigns, who produced the fantastically successful celebration of Anaïs@105 at the Hammer Gallery at UCLA February 23, 2008 met Bebe Barron and interviewed her for the event. A few weeks later, Barron died, and Steven was asked to speak at her memorial.

Here is the link of Nin Scholar and Poet Steven Reigns at Bebe Barron’s Memorial.

Steven’s latest book of poetry (he’s editor)with amazing portraits by Jenny Walters can be ordered on Steven’s website. This photo we have used is by Jenny Walters and is scanned from the book.

The book is breathtaking.

“I’m so proud of this collection. It is an anthology of autobiographical poetry written by gay, lesbian, and bisexual seniors. I felt honored to teach this group for over 16-weeks. The writings in the book were born out of a weekly workshop. I edited the collection, Jenny Walters took AMAZING portraits of the participants, novelist Dorothy Allison wrote the preface, and Thaddeus Root designed the book”

An on-line video of the workshop from which the collection that Reigns edits, can be found here. Apologies that we don’t yet know how to add videos to this blog so they are embedded!

August 4, 2008

Email Exchange between Donna Ippolito and Eric Lloyd Wright, shortly after Rupert Pole’s Death

May 2007
Dear Lori Flynn, (at that time Eric Lloyd Wright’s assistant)

Please let me thank you again for being in contact with the site and letting us know about Rupert Pole’s new representatives, the Wrights. We appreciated receiving the two articles, which Moira has posted on the site.

As time goes by, perhaps you will encounter other information or material that you would like to pass on or call to our attention. At present, changes to the site are only made seasonally, but we can always add information you feel might be of value to our blog, which can be edited without paying hefty maintenance charges.

As the editor of the official AnaïsNin site, I thought it would be good to follow up by filling you in a bit more. The site is a labor of love, what Moira always calls a “pro bono” site. So much of it has been done through her personal funding and/or the donation of time and creativity of many people. Its whole reason for being is to give voice to those who knew the real Anaïs. Actually, I’m one of those because I worked as an editor at The Swallow Press, back when it was in Chicago and publishing Nin’s fiction and other books about her.

I also knew Rupert, and I adored both him and Anaïs. You may be interested to know that came into existence because we were dismayed by the distorted image of Anaïs in two recent biographies. Many of us knew her secrets long before they reached print, and it didn’t affect our love or respect or admiration one jot. People who knew Anaïs personally and were inspired by her greatness of spirit are still alive to affirm her impact as a muse as well as an artist. I have never known anyone more generous toward other creative people. This deserves to be recognized as much as her literary achievements, and that is our one goal and purpose. We are proud that the Nin site has become a lighthouse library of information on Nin’s life and work, all of it free of charge! There is still much that we’d like to do, but it would require an operational grant that doesn’t seem to be in the stars for us. Though I’m not available on a day-to-day basis, please feel free to contact me with any questions, concerns, or for any other reason. Moira and I would always be happy to hear from you. Also, I hope it will be OK with you if we forward any queries that come under the auspices of Nin’s estate rather than our website.

Donna Ippolito

Dear Donna,

Thank you for your email to Lori. I’m glad that you are continuing on the website for Anaïs. It is important work to keep the public aware of her contribution to our cultural way of life. There is an Anaïs Nin Trust which is managed by three members of the board – Kazuko Sugisaki, Paul Herron and myself, Eric Lloyd Wright. The literary and licensing agent for Anaïs’ work is Barbara Stuhlmann. Kazuko, who you may know, is a writer, translating Anaïs’ work into Japanese and has been very close to Anaïs and Rupert over the last 40 years. I am an architect and Rupert’s brother. I had been a close friend of Anaïs’ for 30 years. I look forward to working with you in the future to keep Anaïs’ legacy alive. Her extraordinary creative writing and life must be made available to as broad an audience as possible.

With Best Regards
Eric Lloyd Wright

August 4, 2008

Permissions, Copyrights, Publishing.

There is an Anaïs Nin Foundation and an Anaïs Nin Trust.

As Paul Herron has advised our site:

Please note that Paul Herron of Sky Blue Press not Blue Sky Press is not phasing out, and has released Volume 5 of A Café In Space: The Anaïs Nin Literary Journal this year, and Vol. 6 is set for release in 2009. In addition, the 1939 version of The Winter of Artifice was also recently released. We are still distributing Volumes 1-19 of Gunther Stuhlmann’s Anaïs, An International Journal and that is not the same journal as A Café In Space: The Anaïs Nin Literary Journal nor is it a continuation thereof. Requests for permission are to be made in writing to the Anaïs Nin Trust, not the foundation.

Herron is a member of the Trust (as he notes in an earlier email to the site in January) and we presume, can forward any written permission requests in writing to the said Trust.

Rupert Pole was the President of the Anaïs Nin Foundation. On the death of Nin’s agent extraordinaire, who wrote the brilliant introductions to the Diaries, Pole wrote the site with instructions.

May 30, 2002

To: Subscribers of ANAIS: an International JournalThe Anaïs Nin Foundation announces regrettably that we are terminating future publications of ANAIS: an International Journal. This is to honor the last wish of Gunther Stuhlmann, before his death in April this year, who had been its sole editor and had heroically dedicated his time and effort bringing out nineteen volumes of the Journal.Please understand that the checks already received by the Foundation for the next issue of the Journal will not be returned to the senders because we are short of man-power at this time, but these checks will not be cashed. Also we are sorry to announce that we are no longer able to meet your requests for back issues. All activities concerning the Journal will cease from this date.We thank all the subscribers for the warm and enthusiastic support you have given to the Journal over the last two decades.

Rupert Pole

President The Anaïs Nin Foundation

When Rupert Pole died, our site’s editor Donna Ippolito (who was Anaïs Nin’s editor at Swallow Press) had a cordial email exchange with Rupert Pole’s step brother Eric Lloyd Wright. Wright had designed Nin and Rupert’s House of Light on Hildago which had been for many years the address for the Anaïs Nin Foundation. At that time he was kind enough to give us an update on the new realities. We will post portions of these emails in our next blog.

August 3, 2008

When Anaïs Nin died, her obituary in the New York Times noted that her husband was Hugh Parker Guiler also known as Ian Hugo. On the other coast the LA Times ran a similar story listing Rupert Pole as her husband. Their birthdays were three days apart. Hugo’s birthday was February 15th, Pole’s the 18th. Nin’s birthday was February 21st. In her diaries Nin writes about her interest in astrology particularly in the eccentric Conrad Moricand Moricand, who Nin referred to as the last of the Mohicans and Henry Miller as The Devil in Paradise in his book of the same name:

“… It was Anus Nin who introduced me to Conrad Moricand. She brought him to my studio in the Villa Seurat …”

Pisces Artwork by Celebrations’s artist Adele Aldridge from her Yoga Babe Cafe

A discussion of Nin’s Sun/Neptune trine which might explain the bi-coastal valentines from an astrological perspective can be found in Nick Dagon Best’s analysis: Anaïs Nin My Funny Valentine on Astrology for The Soul.

Nin was a Pisces. Her two life long Valentines were Aquarians. Other insights can be found on’s Star Stories

Story: Author and diarist Anaïs Nin kept private record of her wild sensual double life, the one she kept secret from her husband for decades. She began writing her diary while sailing to the U.S. from Spain just prior to the outbreak of the first World War. Her most famous liaison was a love triangle with fellow author Henry Miller and his wife June.

Stars: Nin was born with natal Jupiter and the Sun conjunct in Pisces, trine Neptune retrograde in Cancer, signifying both her great love of pleasure and gift for documenting her experiences and deepest feelings with little evidence of self-censorship. Astrology demonstrates how transits involving Neptune, and its strong relationship with Jupiter and the Sun in her natal chart, had a recurring presence at key moments in her life.